SOX Compliance | AuditBoard

Elevate SOX compliance awareness and accountability.

SOX compliance hours continue to rise. Don't find yourself struggling to accurately and timely complete SOX testing — leading to increased deficiencies.

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One of the ways that AuditBoard really helped our team and the process is literally by empowering the control owners.
Kranti Parvate
Kranti Parvate
Senior Auditor
See Success Story
Kranti Parvate

Automation and Analytics, Your Way

Leverage the flexibility of our native, no-code audit analytics solution or the seamless integration with your preferred, best-of-breed analytic applications to provide your teams with unparalleled control, scalability, and team efficiency.

Get Ahead of Risk

Focus your SOX efforts on the risks that matter most. Map financial accounts to entities and processes, then easily assess materiality and other qualitative factors. Use the information gained to seamlessly scope and plan your SOX program.

Centralize Your Control Environment

Increase control reliance throughout the organization with a single source of truth for your SOX controls, requests, and issues. Quickly identify and address potential gaps as you design your control environment, and gain real-time visibility into control performance and deficiencies.

Streamline Control Testing

Cut down on administrative work needed for control testing by completing all aspects of testing in one platform, and leveraging update once, update everywhere functionality. Map supporting evidence to your controls and easily annotate, mark up, and review workpapers with an intuitive in-app markup solution.

Easily Manage Control Ownership and Certifications

Keep control ownership with the business with clearly defined control owners. Customizable permissions and role-based dashboards ensure stakeholders see only the information most relevant to them. Automate requests and reminders to stakeholders to complete their SOX responsibilities.

The Modern Connected Risk Platform

Elevate your audit, risk, sustainability, and compliance teams with the intelligent, collaborative, connected risk management platform.

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Platform diagram

Audit & Controls Management

Elevate your impact with risk-based auditing and SOX assurance.

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IT Risk & Compliance

Automate across each area of IT risk and compliance management.

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Risk Management

Visualize and address every risk across your organization.

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ESG Management

Streamline your ESG program and ensure audit-ready data.

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