Operational Audits | AuditBoard

Boost operational efficiency, strengthen internal controls, and surface risk sooner.

Strategic priorities are constantly changing, so your previous audit plans may not be aligned with key initiatives.

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AuditBoard allowed us to quickly expand our controls implementation on the operations and compliance side, and then continue the value add that we can bring to the company.
Vincent Banks
Vincent Banks
Vice President of Internal Audit
See Success Story
Vincent Banks

Automation and Analytics, Your Way

Leverage the flexibility of our native, no-code audit analytics solution or the seamless integration with your preferred, best-of-breed analytic applications to provide your teams with unparalleled control, scalability, and team efficiency.

Effectively Plan and Scope Your Audits

Develop more impactful audit plans with a centralized audit universe. Link key metrics to individual auditable entities for real-time monitoring and insights. Perform risk assessments and report on coverage across your entities.

Prioritize Key Audit Areas

Quickly identify the risks and controls for the processes or operations under review to better define the engagement scope and criteria. This ensures that the most significant risks and stakeholder input drive comprehensive coverage, resulting in an audit engagement with a high impact.

Automate Issue Management and Reporting

Streamline issue management and expedite report issuance. Easily identify and create issues during testing; assign remediation owners and action items; and automate follow-up. Gain visibility into open issues and track progress. Generate management-ready audit reports in a few clicks.

Templatize Operational Audits

Create templates for recurring audit programs to increase consistency and save time. Make testing, issue remediation, and reporting more efficient with automated workflow notifications and report generation capabilities, freeing up time to conduct more relevant and timely audits that add value.

Drive Collaboration With Stakeholders

Simplify communication and collaboration with stakeholders by easily deploying surveys, including pre- and post-audit surveys, and automating evidence collection. Maintain an audit trail of activity between auditors and your stakeholders in a central location.

The Modern Connected Risk Platform

Elevate your audit, risk, sustainability, and compliance teams with the intelligent, collaborative, connected risk management platform.

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Platform diagram

Audit & Controls Management

Elevate your impact with risk-based auditing and SOX assurance.

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IT Risk & Compliance

Automate across each area of IT risk and compliance management.

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Risk Management

Visualize and address every risk across your organization.

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ESG Management

Streamline your ESG program and ensure audit-ready data.

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