Enterprise Risk Management | AuditBoard

Improve risk visibility and drive risk-aware decisions.

Risk demands are accelerating more now than ever before. Don't find yourself ill-equipped to meet this challenge.

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Leverage Key Risk Indicators

Drive insights with useful metrics. Configure risk thresholds to fit your organization’s risk profile, then unify your data by linking key risk indicators to risks and auditable entities. Easily view and compare historical data to understand risk trends.

Simplify Risk Assessments

Automate distribution and collection of risk assessments for a clear picture of your risk program. Leverage real-time data to scale your risk management program in a changing environment. Identify potential threats early and gain insight into their likelihood and impact.

Drive Mitigation Plans

Assign action plans to owners in a single click, then quickly view remediation status and track progress in a centralized dashboard. Gain greater confidence in the achievement of strategic objectives, as well as improved compliance with legal, regulatory, and reporting requirements.

Generate Reports With Ease

Decrease time spent on administrative reporting with automated reports that feature top risks and trends. Communicate more effectively with the board and executives by customizing reports for key stakeholders with the information that’s most relevant to them.

The Modern Connected Risk Platform

Elevate your audit, risk, sustainability, and compliance teams with the intelligent, collaborative, connected risk management platform.

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Platform diagram

Audit & Controls Management

Elevate your impact with risk-based auditing and SOX assurance.

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IT Risk & Compliance

Automate across each area of IT risk and compliance management.

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Risk Management

Visualize and address every risk across your organization.

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ESG Management

Streamline your ESG program and ensure audit-ready data.

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