Tracking the Untrackable: Taking a Proactive Approach to Emerging Risks | AuditBoard

Tracking the Untrackable: Taking a Proactive Approach to Emerging Risks

Tracking the Untrackable: Taking a Proactive Approach to Emerging Risks
  • Top emerging risk trends to watch in 2024, including mass generative AI availability, climate and ESG risk, and cloud concentration risk.

  • 4 steps for building a proactive approach to emerging risks.

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Emerging risks are those that have not yet fully materialized or are not widely recognized as threats, but have the potential to alter your business and/or industry significantly. While there is no way to predict the exact velocity at which emerging risks will accelerate, the first step to mitigating them is to identify and understand them. Yet, emerging risks can be hard to identify due to the lack of a risk-aware culture and resource constraints.

AuditBoard’s new brief, Tracking the Untrackable: Taking a Proactive Approach to Emerging Risks, explores these challenges and explains how risk teams can overcome them through the use of connected risk technology. Download your free copy of this brief to discover:

  • Top emerging risk trends to watch in 2024, including mass generative AI availability, climate and ESG risk, and cloud concentration risk.
  • The most common blockers to successfully identifying emerging risks.
  • 4 steps for building a proactive approach to emerging risks.

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