Supply Chain ESG Risks: Harnessing the Potential of Internal Audit | AuditBoard

Supply Chain ESG Risks: Harnessing the Potential of Internal Audit

Supply Chain ESG Risks: Harnessing the Potential of Internal Audit
  • How internal audit should be used to scrutinize business continuity plans and assess resilience against climate-related disruptions

  • How to perform comprehensive due diligence when selecting suppliers to address ESG risks

  • How internal audit functions should be utilized for independent assessment of the organization’s compliance

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In a volatile landscape, addressing the complexities of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues in supply chain management is critical. Companies that fail to address these risks can face legal damage, supply chain disruptions, reputational damage, and more. 

In collaboration with AuditBoard, the Chartered IIA has released Supply Chain ESG Risks: Harnessing the Potential of Internal Audit, the first report in a two-part series. This report highlights the role of internal audit in aligning supply chain operations with ESG values, targets, and overall business strategies.

Download the full guide to learn: 

  • How internal audit should be used to scrutinize business continuity plans and assess resilience against climate-related disruptions 
  • How to perform comprehensive due diligence when selecting suppliers to address ESG risks
  • How internal audit functions should be utilized for independent assessment of the organization’s compliance with an increasing amount of environmental and social laws and regulations. 

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