Strengthening Information Security and Compliance During Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery | AuditBoard

Strengthening Information Security During COVID-19 Recovery

Strengthening Information Security During COVID-19 Recovery
  • Safeguard critical information and technology as companies adapt to new business models

  • Adopt best practices for the three stages companies will go through to respond to and recover from crisis

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Download our “Strengthening Information Security During COVID-19 Recovery” guide below to learn strategy for Compliance and InfoSec functions to strengthen information security during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Crisis.

While cities and countries enforce various quarantine and social distancing rules, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has uniquely interrupted modern business operations in a scenario that continues to play out in real time. As evidenced in businesses across the world, it is people — rather than infrastructure — that have become unavailable as entire workforces have gone remote for an undefined period to prevent the further spread of the virus.

In response, compliance and Information Security (InfoSec) professionals must focus on safeguarding critical information and technology as companies adapt to their new business models.

A strong leadership response from the Compliance and InfoSec functions is required to sustain operations and protect the business from risk triggered by the pandemic and new virtual work practices. We understand that organizations are at different stages in their pandemic response, and this guide details best practices for the three stages companies will go through to respond to and recover from COVID-19:

  1. Respond: Assess impact and create a response plan.
  2. Protect: Ensure well-being and productivity.
  3. Recover: Recover from the crisis and thrive.

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