Cultivating a Healthy Culture | AuditBoard

Cultivating a Healthy Culture

Cultivating a Healthy Culture
  • Guidance for internal audit to take a proactive role at all stages of the corporate culture journey

  • Discover board, audit committee, and internal audit expectations for corporate culture

  • Business-critical risk areas to consider incorporating an examination of organizational culture as part of an audit engagement

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Complete the form to download Cultivating a healthy culture: Why internal audit and boards must take corporate culture more seriously in a post-Covid world.

A healthy corporate culture differentiates an organisation and impacts customers, financial performance, growth, reputation, recruitment, and retention.

An unhealthy or sub-optimal culture impacts all these categories. At its worst it is a critical risk to the attainment of the organisation’s aims and objectives and the sustainability of the organisation in the longer term.

A joint research report by the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors and AuditBoard, Cultivating a healthy culture: Why internal audit and boards must take corporate culture more seriously in a post-Covid world, uncovers a gap in boards’ and internal audit functions’ approach to organisational culture risks. Urgent action is required to cultivate a healthy corporate culture to protect value, reputation, and long-term sustainability.

Download the report to benchmark your organization against the survey results and learn how internal audit functions can step up to monitor, assess, and provide independent assurance over organizational culture, including:

  1. Board Perspectives on Organizational Culture: Find out board, audit committee, and internal audit expectations for corporate culture. 
  2. Top Risks Impacting Corporate Culture: Business-critical risk areas to consider incorporating an examination of organizational culture as part of an audit engagement. 
  3. Culture Audits: The methods, skills, and cultural risk management frameworks teams use to audit behaviors and culture.
  4. Culture Questions for Internal Audit: guidance for internal audit to take a proactive role at all stages of the corporate culture journey. 
  5. Corporate Culture Case Studies from the London Business School Leadership Institute.

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