Bridging the Business Resilience Gap With the Connected Risk Model | AuditBoard

Bridging the Business Resilience Gap With the Connected Risk Model

Bridging the Business Resilience Gap With the Connected Risk Model
  • How the business gap formed in the current risk environment

  • Four common causes of the business resilience gap

  • Why an integrated approach such as the Connected Risk Model is necessary to bridge the gap

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Eight in 10 boards believe improved risk management will be critical for their business to protect and build value in the next five years, according to a 2021 Ernst & Young (EY) survey of over 500 global board directors. 

Yet, despite these great expectations, the existing technologies, processes, and people to manage these risks are not keeping pace to meet rising risk demands — a problem we refer to as the “business resilience gap.”

The new guide, Bridging the Business Resilience Gap With the Connected Risk Model, defines the business resilience gap and explores five tactics to close it with a modern approach to integrated risk management. Download the full report to learn:

  • How the business gap formed in the current risk environment.
  • Four common causes of the business resilience gap. 
  • Why an integrated approach such as the Connected Risk Model is necessary to bridge the gap. 

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